Friday, January 25, 2008

College Football Blogger Awards Nominations

The typical pomp and circumstance surrounding the Golden Globes was relegated to a yawn-inspiring press conference this year. But as the college football blogger community readies to pat itself on the back, we're not held back by the contractual demands of writers. Nah, most of us do this for the fun of it.

So, now that one of the most upset-filled (if anti-climatic) college football seasons is behind us, the cream of the crop in the college football blogosphere have announced that nominations are now being received for the 2007 College Blogger Awards. The awards are the brainchild of the ever-entertaining bloggers at Every Day Should be Saturday, MGOBlog, Burnt Orange Nation, Dawg Sports and Rocky Top Talk.

Readers like you, and bloggers like me, are encouraged to nominate there favorite blogs and posts for recognition. You can make your nominations on this page, though I should warn that nominations are due by Sunday. My nominations for most of the awards (I had to skip a few) are below. Happy voting! Also, it should be pointed out that not all nominees from the various blogs and commenters will make the final list as official "nominees." A secret meeting will take place to narrow down the list. For your viewing pleasure, here is a list of last year's winners. This is important because the wise committee has decided against allowing repeat winners.

On to PJS' nominations.

Best Community: I'm not sure it's even close. Brian at MGOBlog, as someone once wrote to me in an email, has a vocal community the size of the Michigan football fanbase. The interaction is always entertaining to read (if occasionally depressing, like after losses to Appalachian State).

Funniest Blog: My nomination would have went to EDSBS, but because they won last year, I'm left to look elsewhere. There are certainly great options nationwide, but I'm going to stick with the Big Ten and give the nod to Black Heart Gold Pants. The drunken interviews with Ron Zook were laugh-out-loud funny.

Best analysis (Emphasis placed on statistical manipulation and well researched pieces that reveal something news): Again, no blog stands out more than MGOBlog, but Brian deservedly won this award one year ago. That said, a fine second choice is always Sunday Morning Quarterback. Very well done on a daily basis. Well researched. Well thought out.

Prettiest Blog: The best thing about blogs is they come in all shapes and sizes. I could nominate so many here, but the blog I find most attractive is Eleven Warriors, one of the many excellent Ohio State blogs. It's a simple design that uses all of its space well and isn't too loud.

The Job Award (The blog that has suffered through an embarrassing season with the most dignity): I'm going to hand my nomination here to my fellow Minnesota blogger Tom at Gopher Nation. While I was busy hammering away at Tim Brewster for his play calling and decision making, Tom remained positive (well, as much as he could). Kudos.

Best Big Ten Blog(s): We Big Ten bloggers have taken strides during the last year. We've created a bloggers group. We've fought the SEC speed stereotype. We've worked together like no other set of conference bloggers. Because of that, I'm going to nominate three excellent blogs, whose founders began the Big Ten Bloggers Group. They are Dave at Maize n' Brew, Sean at Around the Oval and Mike at Black Shoe Diaries. Not only are their blogs excellent sources of information about their team, but they also had the foresight to realize a group of bloggers might like to work together, and even have a little fun too.

Best National Blog: For me it came down to SMQ or EDSBS, but seeing as SMQ got the nod one year ago, we throw our nomination behind EDSBS.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shoutout. We try to keep it clean because lord knows we can't write!

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